A Discussion on Gene Therapy

We asked Daniel Cohen from Spark Therapeutics and Kassi Stein from Tessera Therapeutics about how their work impacts specific clinical outcomes, key improvements they have seen in the landscape, and how students can get involved right out of graduate school. You can access the full recording by becoming an ACS BIOT member today here!

Meet Our Inaugural Leadership Board

We have recruited our initial leadership board for 2023! We’d like to introduce President: Rashmi Sharma Vice President: Anandi Chowdhury Treasurer: Deppika Sarin Webmaster: Naveen G Jesubalan Recruiting Lead: Shubhankar Metya Industry Analyzer: Kunal Krishna Faculty Advisor: Dr. Anurag S. Rathore

Dual Poster Session

In March 2023, we hosted an event at Villanova University with consecutive academic and industry poster sessions followed by casual networking. The event featured over 40 people, consisting of Ph.D. students, postdocs, and industry professionals, most of which brought posters that sparked exciting conversations about research on the frontier of biotechnology. The event featured representationContinue reading “Dual Poster Session”

Pushing Boundaries as a Biotech Start-Up Webinar

We aimed to highlight the important role start-ups play in our exploding industry and asked a few speakers currently working on the start-up side of the industry toshare their experiences with their work. The speakers shared their insider perspectives on what makes working in a start-up different than an established industry giant with respect toContinue reading “Pushing Boundaries as a Biotech Start-Up Webinar”